This is a calculator for converting among Taiwanese ping, square feet, square meters. To use it, simply fill in any of the text fields and the other text fields will be updated automatically.
Related tool:
Units Converter
由於美國沒有「坪」這樣子的單位,你得換算成「平方英尺」(square feet,簡寫為 sq ft,美國最常用) 或「平方公尺」(square meters,簡寫為 sq m) 表示房子或土地的大小:
一坪 = 35.59 平方英尺 = 3.306 平方公尺
這棟房子是25坪 = This house is 889.75 square feet = This house is 82.65 square meters
順道一提,美國的房子通常會以 '占地大小' 或 '房子大小' 稱呼:
占地大小 = land size 或 lot size
房子大小 = house size
希望有幫助到你! Hope it helps!