by Michael
I have been helping maintain
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association's official website. They are a non-profit organization dedicated to helping and teaching children and patients infected with Prader-Willi Syndrome to live a better life.
The website is built using the following technologies:
- Weebly: Weebly is a popular service that allows non-technical people build a website without doing any coding. When I volunteered to help them maintain the website it was already built with Weebly. That's why I didn't change it. If in the future Weebly can no longer support the features we need, then I'll have to make major changes.
- jQuery: The Javascript library jQuery is one of the most popular libraries. It has a rich set of plugins that do all kinds of visual effects which were only possible with Flash before.
For example I used jQuery to create the nice banner photos at
What is your favorite webpage on
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association?