Eclipse IDE

Eclipse IDE Screen Shot Amazon Being in the software field I am a regular user of IDE tool, or integrated development environment, to develop my software.

Starting at my second job as a software engineer (per My Job Experiences) I began using Eclipse.

I've used Eclipse to develop PHP, Java, and C and I am very impressed with the quality of the software.

I used IntelliJ at a previous job to develop Java programs but it is very expensive. Later we switched to Eclipse because Eclipse is just as rich as IntelliJ in features and Eclipse is FREE!

Eclipse has many useful plugins to ease the development of popular applications such as Android app development, which is also free.

When I developed Android applications I installed the Android plugin and it made Android app programming SO MUCH easier and fun!

Eclipse also has a 'Remote System Explorer' which allows you to connect to a remote machine through SSH, FTP, Telnet to manage and update files on that machine!

I've been using 'Remote System Explorer' to manage files on my alumni server at UCSB.
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